White Bear Montessori School

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Music in the Toddler Classrooms

“Music can touch us in a way that nothing else can. No better gift can we give to the

children than to open this door with them!” –Maria Montessori

In the toddler community we use music in a variety of ways:

  • As a tool for learning language

  • To strengthen community

  • To find peace for the soul.

Music is all around us every day. Make sure to stop and listen for it with your children. This includes the birds, rain, thunder, and wind.

Although we use the names of the instruments as a tool for language in the classroom, music itself doesn’t require an understanding of language. Anyone can enjoy musical rhythms and use music as a way to express feelings or moods.

We enjoy a lot of dancing, which is a natural response to music. As with any other freedom in the classroom, you can imagine dancing also comes with limits. Dancing can quickly turn to chaos if boundaries aren’t put into place. In a group setting, this may include a certain space where dancing can be. We may use a circular string that everyone holds that has bells and beads for shaking. We talk a lot about dancing versus running and being silly.

Twice a day we join together at the table and sing our thank you song as a community.

“We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected

with each other to form one whole unity.” -Maria Montessori