White Bear Montessori School

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Tiny Objects

You may have noticed with your own children, that they tend to have a fascination with tiny objects. And who can blame them? I know even as an adult, my voice gets all high and squeaky when I see an adorable tiny pair of baby shoes at the store. Because children are so drawn to these tiny objects, we purposefully use them in many places in our room. Some of them are used for Sound Games where we try to hear all the sounds in a word such as "deer".

Some of them are used for a reading activity called the Phonetic Object Box where the child reads the label and matches it to the corresponding little object.

Our tiniest pink tower cube challenges the smallest children to place it so carefully atop the 9 other cubes they have stacked.

The colored beads are in many places in the math area, and are used for counting.

Children may use the Movable Alphabet to match tiny objects to the letter that they begin with.

The knob on the tiniest cylinder is made just so, in order to help children practice their pincer grip.

The Farm Game has many different little animals which help the child learn about the concept of an adjective.

I could go on and on with many more examples of how we use tiny objects in Children's House. These tiny objects serve different purposes, in all of the areas of the classroom, but one purpose that they have in common is to attract the children's attention so that they are enticed into working with them.

Written by Lucy, Children’s House One Guide